Michael Age 34
My name is Michael, and I am here to share my story of addiction, the arduous journey of recovery, and the incredible transformation that has taken place in my life. Through sharing my experiences, I hope to offer hope and inspiration to those who may be struggling with addiction, showing them that recovery is possible, and a beautiful life awaits on the other side.
The Grip of Addiction:
My descent into addiction began with a seemingly harmless curiosity. I thought I could control my usage and that it wouldn't affect my life. But that illusion quickly shattered as I found myself trapped in a cycle of dependence and desperation. What once seemed like a choice became an all-encompassing need that dictated every aspect of my existence.
The Breaking Point:
There's a moment in every addict's journey that serves as a wake-up call. For me, it was a night when I found myself alone, isolated from loved ones, and facing the harsh reality of the life I had created for myself. The pain of losing relationships, jobs, and my own self-worth became unbearable. It was at this lowest point that I finally acknowledged that I needed help – that I couldn't continue down this destructive path.
The Road to Recovery:
Recovery wasn't a linear process; it was a series of ups and downs, moments of clarity and moments of doubt. It began with seeking professional help, including therapy and a support group that provided the understanding and community I desperately needed. Admitting my weaknesses and confronting the underlying issues that had fueled my addiction was both challenging and liberating
Thank you Dahlia Foundation
My Name is yogesh and I am a recovering alcoholic from past 5 years.
A New Lease on Life:
"Recovery from alcohol addiction has given me a fresh start, and the journey wouldn't have been the same without the support I found With the help of therapy, friends, and tools, I've rediscovered myself. It has been a source of inspiration during challenging moments, providing encouragement and reminding me of how far I've come. It's an essential part of my ongoing success in sobriety."
Thanks to Dahlia Foundation & staff God Bless you All
My name is Suraj, I’m an Alcoholic
When I first started drinking, I don't think I noticed the effect until I was well and truly drunk. At first it had a lot to do with being one of the crowd. The difference was, my friends could relax without drinking, but I wasn't relaxed until I had a drink, or to put it another way, I wanted to feel how those other people looked. My father was alcoholic and I swore I would never end up like him. My wife complained that I was always going up the pub and didn't spend enough time with her. So I said "come with me then, you don't have to sit indoors all the time." I explained that I have to meet people there and I get a lot of my work that way. It would usually lead to an argument and I would storm out and get drunk. That's how I "solved" all my problems. The trouble is I never really solved anything. My wife divorced me in the end for unreasonable behavior, which I thought was unfair. I tried to be a good husband but I just couldn't cope with all the pressure.
By now I was drinking in the morning just to face the day. My fair-weather friends had started avoiding me. Occasionally someone would suggest I do something about my drinking, and mostly because I was so ill. I decided to drink less, but that didn't work. So I tried to stop altogether. I was amazed at how difficult it was to stop completely. The longest I ever managed was three weeks without a drink. It seems stupid now but I started drinking again because I thought I had learned how to control it. The next time I tried to stop I found I couldn't stop at all. They say alcohol is a great remover; how true! I lost everything and was now homeless. I became desperate to do something about my drinking, I got the shakes and sweats if I couldn't get my drink, but I hated it. I was so miserable I just wanted to end it all. I didn't care how, I just wanted it to stop. That's when I asked for help and one of my friend gave me Dahlia Foundation Alcohol And Drug Rehabilitation Number I Called Up The Center And Within 5 Days I Was Enrolled In The Rehab Center The Staff The Counsellors The Doctors Were All Good With Me We Had Regular Counselling Group Therapy And All The Session I completed My Stay Today I Am 8 Years Clean
Thanks To Dahlia Foundation And Especially SAJI SIR Who Was My Mentor Today Life Is Good I Got A Decent Job And Staying With My Mother
Thanks Dahlia Foundation And Saji Sir
Hi My Name Is Suresh And I Am A Recovering Addict
“I was in active addiction since I was 13. I started doing heroin and continued using until I was 33.”
Suresh was a outgoing person, hence, his soul that shines through his eyes. Without hearing her story, you would never understand the trials and tribulations he endured to make it to where he is today.
“In 2005, I was out getting high and fell 20 feet and broke my back and my wrist, but I stayed out. I was only 70 pounds at that point. My family had to prepare my funeral. I told my mom I was going to die from this disease, that it was my destiny.
“In addiction, you live in the past of what it was like when you were a kid, standing on the corner drinking 40s or hanging out in the bar. It’s the only disease that convinces you that you don’t have a disease. It’s cunning, baffling, and powerful.”
Like too many people, substance use disorder had taken over Suresh's life – that is, until one day when he found the inner strength
“I was hanging out in Bandra Reclamation in the freezing cold, and I suddenly had a moment of sanity. It was like my head and my heart were both suddenly on the same exact page, and I thought, “What are you doing? This isn’t good.
“I had been to 11 rehabs before that day. But that time, I walked into the crisis center, and it was the first time I finally said, ‘I don’t have a home and I haven’t had one in four years. I’m dying and I need you to help me.’ And they did. They Gave Me The Address Of Dahlia Foundation Alcohol And Drug Rehabilitation Center I Said OMG one More Rehab Any Way I Went To Dahlia Foundation
It Had Wonderful Atmosphere We Had Lots Of Fun And Program Too I Did The Program SAJI SIR Offered Me
I Am So Happy Today I Am 10 Year Clean
Thanks To The Staff, Counsellors, Doctors, The Social Workers And Above All My Sponsor SAJI SIR
Today I Have A Family Two Loving Kids And A Very Loving Wife Thanks ALMIGHTY
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